Scientific Advisory Board

Sarah Hymowitz, PhD


Sarah Hymowitz is an experienced drug discoverer. She spent twenty-two years at Genentech rising to Vice President of Protein Sciences. In this role, she oversaw the large molecule drug discovery portfolio and mentored project teams on the identification and optimization of numerous clinical candidates. As a member of the Genentech Small Molecule Leadership Team, she supported project teams in advancing two dozen molecules to IND-enabling studies. Earlier as a Project Team leader, she led or participated in small molecule and large molecule projects teams in making data-driven go/no go decisions, advancing multiple molecules to the clinic including a three-way collaboration with AbbVie and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute that resulted in the discovery of Venclexta. Dr. Hymowitz earned a B.A. in Chemistry from Swarthmore College, followed by a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of California, San Francisco prior to joining Genentech as a postdoctoral fellow in X-ray crystallography. She has long standing interests in the structural biology of TNF super family and regulation of the kinase activity.
